[5.2] Engine Updates

Browser updates and changes will be posted here, along with engine fixes for the old browser software.
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[5.2] Engine Updates

Current changes to our 5.2 browser can be viewed here.
Engine changes are based on the open source project dgVoodoo project, this involves hooking into the renderware engine, with our dll proxies d3d8.dll & d3d9.dll

Engine Changes:
  • Directx 8 to Directx 12 engine hooks - Allowing the client to use a much more recent version of Direct3D & OpenGL
  • OpenGL to OpenGL3 engine hooks - Vastly improved performance of OpenGL based running of DeltaWorlds
  • Shaders/Lighting - Improved resolution, from 8 shaders we now can use 64
  • GPU Limitations - No longer an issue with 5.2!
Browser Changes:
  • Terrain changes - We now support textures above 1024x1024 compared to the hard limit that was 512.
  • Texture resolution updates - We now support textures above 1024!
  • Client password encryption - A implimentation has been added, so passwords are no longer stored in PLAIN TEXT
More updates will be rolled out as they are tested, we are working with a limited browser here, remember this is old Active Worlds software, we have no intention of using later versions, please use AW for that.
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